Tuesday, January 31, 2012

A Good Cause (helping animals)

Dear viewers today I want to share something very vital. I’m so happy that I encountered this informational article on international publication news agency DAWN run by “Pakistan Herald Publication (Pvt.) Ltd. Before heading to the crux of my post let me build the awaiting anticipation by my mind boggling techniques.

               Have you ever seen abuse on animals? You passing by a valley and sighted cruelty on a poor dumb animal? All you could do was to see the little creature beat up and then walk away. Thinking of it whole day, questioning yourself what if I would have done something? Isn’t there a welfare who looks after such animals?

I’m here to inform you, think no more! There is an organization who you can approach. Two personalities Maheen Zia and Mahera Omar (film makers) and resident of Karachi took this initiative to establish this institution titled PAWS (Pakistan Animal Welfare Society). They do not have any office yet but operate and help spread the voice of the voiceless by WORLDWIDEWEB. Further details are down for your notation.

Web: http://pawspakistan.org
It contains all the necessary information that you need to help those poor animals.

Vet clinics: a list of VET clinics in different cities of Pakistan along with address and doctors’ name is available at this link.

Emergency contacts: helpline of Edhi 115 and PAWS is available for any CALL OF DUTY.

 Nevertheless, how can I forget the most important part, one can adopt pets by contacting this organization. They have mix breed of animals and types too. Stray and pets. Do not be shamed if they are stray, even we are stray when born, and our parents teach us how to live about. In the same manner you parenting the poor animal can make a difference.

The information is good enough my dear readers for you to equip and make a difference. It is my request to my readers to promote the initiative of this organization. Animal lovers out there would be vigilant I hope after reading it.

I would like to share a proverb which I read at the link of the DAWN article, it goes like this.

“The measure of a civilization is how it treats its weakest members”

Monday, January 23, 2012


There could be hundreds of events to reminisce, where you were in a state to testify your patience. By testifying I don’t literally mean that you were aware of the incident, rather, it was a moment where you had to show your real self. My friends, do you know when the reality of a person can be brought to light? It’s when the subject is in rage, is lashed out because that’s the moment we realize the true character of the individual.
Don’t take me wrong when I say can be brought to light. I firmly believe that no one has the authority to judge. But, I say, JUDGE, TO WHAT IS RIGHT. That is my interpretation. If you sit all your life thinking whether to judge or let go, you will then be unsound in life. Sometimes decision in life are just to be made because after living that decision you realize if it was worth making that choice.
My post is related to these paragraphs. I have had good and bad experiences in life. Everyone does. What improves you from these events is to take the best possible tragedies and count them as your experience good or bad that’s up to you.
Someone once told me: no matter what transgression come your way, stand and face; if you find the environment negative, fine, but force yourself (because you are capable) to grasp 1 positive outcome from that dead, absurd event and keep it. You will be sad for some while; however, upon recalling memories you will notice how graciously I believed in that 1 positive outcome trick and it really worked out. So you see how intriguing patience can be. I’m sure there are situations where forcibly we have to be patient – take your job for instance.

I term forgiveness a calamity for the ruthless. Not everyone receives this grace of forgiving, it is not easy for a normal person to forgive. I myself have learned this mystery over the past decade. It was not easy for me either to just let go of the bitter hate casted against someone. But I realized keeping myself that way was changing me, change which was apparent and expeditious. I noticed in what beast I was transforming myself into. Being small when I watched SPIDERMAN cartoon I always wanted to portray a personality similar. He was my all-time favorite – an inspiration. And seeing myself drifting away from this goodness was changing me into something I didn’t want to. Anger, hate, competition led me to destruction even pride submerged my character. It was as if I was decapitated. People talk about self-control those who walk around wearing a mascot of intellectuality – I have a question for them. What happens if you find yourself into a mess that you created? You display to be an intellect right! What happens when you are at the peak of your career but still find remorse, regret in life. Situations arise where you lose that self-control. You want to show yourself all good to everyone but later show your colors especially that red color which represents hate, anger anxiety, rudeness and all of that falsifying agreement you present.

People talk about self-control these are all modern behaviour which our society has introduced they are so behavioral that the society who inaugurated this charism does not follow itself. My point is don’t be caught up in this society which destroys you instead be a different voice. Be yourself, live as you are without human boundaries and you will see the freedom; our thoughts and creativity depletes if we follow set rules. What makes you unique is to follow yourself and you will be someone.  

Quotes by Christopher McCandless:
[If we admit that human life can be ruled by reason, then all possibility of life is destroyed]
[The core of mans' spirit comes from new experiences]

And here is the masterpiece:
[You are wrong if you think that the joy of life comes principally from the joy of human relationships. God's place is all around us, it is in everything and in anything we can experience. People just need to change the way they look at things]